Monday, May 29, 2023

Ben Franklin

 Benjamin Franklin makes a convenient nexus of the English and German in PA and so does Benjamin Rush. Franklin leaves Boston at 17 for Philly and fortune. Philly in that day means an area of what became several whole counties, but he went to  the downtown. Having apprenticed as a printer in Boston he got established printing a German language newspaper so became known among that population by the late 1720s and  along with Andrew Bradford had a lock on the lucrative resources of the radicals and began printing some of their more contentious philosophical and religious works. Until The German Christopher Sauer supplanted him in 1738 and the magnificent printing effort began a Ephrata, he was the go to printer for the likes of Conrad Beissel, his lieutenant Wohlfahrt. In 1730 he issued Beissel on virgin celestial marriage, mystical proverbs, collection of hymns also in 1732, 1736. In 1737 Wohlfahrt. In 1732, he published the first German-language newspaper in America – Die Philadelphische Zeitung – although it failed after only one year because four other newly founded German papers quickly dominated the newspaper market.[26] Franklin also printed Moravian  catechism and proceedings of the ecumenical synods led by Zinzendorf, which was another autocratic effort Franklin was drawn too, much opposed by the native pietists of the area against the Count from Herrnhut,.in German before the Moravians had their own press in 1761,meaning he also knew and worked for the polyamorous  Zinzendorf another head of the radical pietists. Franklin was drawn to the charisma of these autocratic characters, often visited Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, staying at the Moravian Sun Inn.[27] But Franklin was not a believer that way, he was a moralist, could have been on NPR nightline giving the right views on Trump.On the English side Franklin took over publishing the Pennsylvania Gazette. Printer of his own apothegms too, therefore a writer, Franklin wrote and issued the Poor richard, along with the Pennsylvania Gazette, efforts at swaying the public mind to his own brand of pop life aborning. Franklin had opinions of all sorts. In his Autobio he confides it is better to take a dowager with the lights out because the feeling is the same even if she is no longer young, not the view he espoused in print for Beissel. Franklin suits the process of diplomacy  therefore and he was one. He was also a screaming Mason, if the excavation of his cellar in London is any test. You wink at Franklin and he will wink back, them try out his skills on you. a hands on guy with rapports." which pablum is celebrated as the American ethos marriage of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions, and opposition to authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. Franklin ate his tolerant values when hungry, and is always excused his excesses. A little like Geffrey Epstein, for the greater good which he conceived as not his former customers1751 pamphlet on demographic growth and its implications for the Thirteen Colonies, the "Palatine Boors" who could never acquire the "Complexion" of Anglo-American settlers and referred to "Blacks and Tawneys" as weakening the social structure of the colonies.The wink that this was expunged in later editions is just a wink, for he fostered these views in proxy for other efforts to curb the beast in man, or at least in the stout legged German.