Wednesday, June 12, 2024


This is an experimental work published on Father's Day 2024 because first we don't know what time is left and because fathers have never been more in need of restitution for their acts. The restitution here is the in the nature of father and the  man, bold, actors who err, but with passion in the aid and defense of their families and responsibilities to their own fathers. Their mother  are taken for granted as always nurturing and forgiving. The fathers have to stand alone in the waves and  save. Like preaching to coal miners about salvation, we assume here  that talking about fathers in history or life is a lot like preaching to coal miners. if that offends the reader please do get on.  i don't know how this can be any more than a selection of the subject of fathers, the rigor, of a man, the economy of foresight, the decisions made against the odds and then the living on. The selection will be of the Pennsylvania variety  not that the Ohio or Texas differs. the Texas is one and the same we easily find. The same people propagated each., but the pennsylvanai is a century and a half before, so just for chronology to begin, and there are the varieties in kind, the two traditions,  the peccadilloes, the eagle gatheing the reif nachen, the extremes of liberty and lawlessness, the commissions, complains and answers, the communities in which to all extents and purposes they say together, God fell into my mind.

 The trials of orthodoxy in fatherhood are like the trials of  orthodox faith in Pennsylvania testified by Mittelberger in 1756. He may exaggerate it like he book of Judges whee every one does what is right in his own eyes. Subjects under contention are fraught with controversy in the dialectic rhetoric. In the natural  indigene who practices them they seem entirely reasonable, as is the case with our first contestant matthias Baumann. but to dilate a little the orthodoxy of fathers who can find one that when all the facts are known escapes. I know of fathers who parachuted from burning air appliances over Paris and lived in the deluxe Stalag camps on that vacation of life, as one debutante pictured, and another whose daughter loved him , cared for him, guarded his legacy and got him into the National Register of Architects, but whose trials and legacy are also unspeakable in the whole, that is he was loved and betrayed. Betrayal of fathers is a theme we encounter. don't give specifics and you'll be all right. this beloved one gave it the jovial happy face and genuinely too, as di another elder  who at 94 and afflicted in more ways physically than you can bear to hear, greeted everyone in her home of  like compatriots with with a smile and friendship, but her life was pain. See what good compartments can do. I know another who looks on these and is amazed, who has no walls, all is open in the world the flesh and the mind, who rises while the good sleep,  and contests in the night with the forces that only yield to love, i means those principalites and powers who oppose us all. I don't know how. And another who died in Kmart apoplexed. pole axed in a second, or half hour who was a man of faith, and was unfaithful, whose daughter love  him, but he died in the aisle, who in fact I owe a lot myself, and another who was cursed  and got cancer of the vocal cords to prevent speech, who lived by  bright and unbright thought, the name of the Ork in the film, Bright,  and another I owe who arranged by his words a passage to , not India, but Limon for one of this indigents of the intellect we used to see under bridges, now best view on KDP,  a prisoner in China once, along with Sr. Celine, could not remember his name. what's i na name anyway you say, except for his daughter, who he did not remember it was pain. why do daughters keep intruding our work on fathers? I know anoher and another. It must be as hard to be a daughter as to be a son., but what do I know I was pushed off the Haywain at ten. We can literally go on and on for our lives are rich in fathers and their trials. But they all end. that's is what Yudoksky and his AI fear would happen to them, that they would be imprisoned in an AI and never escape, just go on in that vision of immortality of J. Swift, Death is such a relief of suffering. What do fathers suffer. You think/ their sins. who can escape. It is not even 3 AM and those who are not fathers, who fear the outcome and hold their seed are suffering anyway. Do you think you will escape?

And the paramount preacher of such sort, after all the Whitfields and Wesleys of time is Vincent Van gogh and it is with him that we start to soften the hard veins of coal we mean to crack to  make “the FIRES FOR CORRECTION, DELIVERANCE AND REFININg”of this light and heat., for adding pressure, diamonds are formed from coal a little deeper down.

How does one preach to the coal miner but by telling the sacred history of coal, for deeper down in earth where the tunnels of kimberlite soar, the coal is amythest and diamond. It’s all about how much pressure the carbon can take as to what it will become, how fine, how beautiful, For what is coal but plants, and what are plants but emblems of live and maturation of the human spirit. The mines are there, to extract the facture, to show how the past becomes the present and the future.

Begin our facture future/past with Van Gogh Wheatfields  and Franz Kline’s coal mines. The Wheat Fields are a series of dozens of paintings Van Gogh (1853-1890) painted in 1876 when Van Gogh taught Bible classes in Isleworth, England and also occasionally preached to coal miners at the Methodist church in southern Belgium. After that he spent six months ministering in an old dance hall and started and taught in a Bible school. The facture here are the intentions of art upon the coal, the Bible. 

Begin our facture future/past with Van Gogh Wheatfields  and Franz Kline’s coal mines. The Wheat Fields are a series of dozens of paintings Van Gogh (1853-1890) painted in 1876 when Van Gogh taught Bible classes in Isleworth, England and also occasionally preached to coal miners at the Methodist church in southern Belgium. After that he spent six months ministering in an old dance hall and started and taught in a Bible school. The facture here are the intentions of art upon the coal, the Bible. 

First the kimberlites, then the coal. We may call these the kimberlites of the fathers:


The prose of this documentary form, gathered first hand and culled from sources, is called Literature Factura. It is a lot like pouring a concrete foundation out of prostheses of flat folded sheets of the unspoken. In this the future walks through the present and the past and leaves a trail. The past is costumed depending on the show of the day. The present is airy with sightings of the future, but when the future  arrives it too is dressed up with its expectations of what we think we know. If we try to redress the new we cannot. It is costumed in the old. We think we know and feel the present but it is gone fast. We forget all this however and act as if our memory of it is the present, but by then that too is the past. You might catch the future walking on the roof, on a slab, in the grain of a tree, which seem concrete events when finished, except they are a construct of timings. In order for gains to equal losses we post date losses and expectations to the next new year when we can divest them, but it is as if,  a technicality of book keeping, the way government counts time as beginning in January, when it  is really the fourth month of creation.

It is the as if world as if these things were true. What would that mean, not that any of these things are true, but if they are? This began the ossilation that made the thoughts of the human what they were. The narrators below embody thee accounts.

After the Fall

Plant, coal diamond, geologic time, pressure Abraham, Daniel. Jonah. Jesus How did carbon atoms crystalling diamonds get 150-200km below the surface of the Earth. 


First the kimberlites, then the coal. We may call these the kimberlites of the fathers:

Diamonds are forged by pressure  miles down. After formation, they are carried to the surface by volcanic act, shot into kimberlites high. Lodging in the diamond pipe enables them to be found. Vannoccio Biringuccio thought gold mines a kind of kimberlite that took the shape of tree roots. In times of the human forging of these, they are made of unspeakable memories, like those of POW's and released prisoners, deep things, but then we wake from sleep. but the exile does not show his heart as he sits With the diamond tubes forgot, the sparking jewels, depth mining round descents brings them out. Look.

This depth is realized in the Book of Caermarthen in those catalogues of the fallen, "whose grave is this, this one and this, ask me I know them,"  but the exile does not show his heart as he sits, "I and my frank round our cauldron." With the diamond tubes forgot, the sparking jewels, depth mining round descents brings them out. Look. Buds and stalks press against an intent face: "Oh who is an ocean to bathe the worlds sores in?" The versions below were bound and saved by my father when they occurred, put away with letters in the order given. He signed his name on the title pages!

With the personal connected to giant forces that the pressures of earth reflect, the father is like the diamond pipe that stores the stone. Formed from pressures 250 miles down, it is delivered fine by fire. Creation reifies material from abstraction. Memory goes to touch the vein, Dante in kimberlite, Milton orbiting fallopians of birth and death, wind sprout lives, veins above and mitochondrial relations in the collective beneath. Once pressure forms the diamond, lava places it home. Head down in the mining, one arm to hold a rope to the surface as one foot presses the rim,  hung upside down in the vein, the other hand with a hammer chips the side. Communities built of kimberlites, families and tribes are forged from earth wherever kimberlites connect.

"Diamonds form at a depth greater than 93 miles (150 kilometers) beneath the earth's surface. After their formation, diamonds are carried to the surface of the earth by volcanic activity. As this molten mixture of magma (molten rock), minerals, rock fragments, and diamonds approaches the earth's surface it begins to form an underground structure (pipe) that is shaped like a champagne-flute."


Nachmanide's 10 Dimensions?

Nachmanide's 10 Dimensions

And here  in Genesis 1 there are a total of 10 times where the text says "And God said". Each time God spoke, a new dimension was created. I have tried to find an online text of Nachmanide's writing on this topic to find out how he decided that 4 dimensions were knowable and 6 were not, Writings of the Ramban/Nachmanides:Translated and Annotated


These takes on the 600 billion invisible beings must have a finite list of subjects even if they vary among observers. What I want is the honest unconscious jake felt in Dante, Goya, Gehry, etc, but do not deny it in Bosch or Breughels, but they are less, Michelangelo not honest, mannered, jpatterned, with a less honest story to tell. All I am trying to do is give a record to myself of what I have encountered as meaningful.





I point to this justification of time and place so you might justify your own when you land in a forest swamp among tetrapods. Green algae and trees without growth rings, hot shaped waves of calcium carbonate and brachiopods dominate the bryozoan fenestellids. The sea floor raises and falls like an armor fish that fluctuates in rock stripes with Conifers and dragonflies. The amniotic egg and archosaur, hagfish and eels play coal ball in a swamp of this carboniferous construct that runs beside the train. Its bridges, tunnels, engines and  lines whose many billion ton reserve stretches the expansion cracks make the black/white mass the speed force speak. So the creek with the train runs up and down with the coal in flood, to the Ohio, to the Mississippi and into ocean from wherever Carboniferous ruins hide. To hear the Antarctic coal mountains hide low grade coal is something only said once, for geology is covered with mud, sand and snail feet ferned up as black rock. These slopes heave up plant hills that chuff  down on the train no matter where you land. The steep slopes of sixty million years of sea are buried and dried another three hundred million years before the dawn.

360 million years later

Revising 360 million years later makes it read like a tour of London from the top of an open air double decker bus, or down a canal in Venice, all extempore, the barker full of asides, but of good cheer so the parties come back for more. There seems to be a lot of naked speaking going on, attractive and naïve, not the clocked to the hispid reaches of a moor. So in the revision the nascent awareness of chaos become full blown criminal conspiracy of authorities of all sorts of the governments of the world reads like a tour through a time long past of innocence when what we know of the world today had not crept in so.