[The Complaint]
Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1732
To the Honorable
Patrick Gordon, Esqr., Lieut. Governor of the Province of Pennslvania,
etc. In Chancery.
The Petition of Jacob Diemer, Michael Hillegas, Peter
Hillegas, Joost Schmidt, Hendrick Weller, Jacob Siegel, Wilhelm Rohrich. In
Behalf of themselves and divers others members of the German Reformed Church in
In Humble Manner Sheweth.
That a great number of Protestants born under the Ligeance
of the Emperor of Germany did about ten years since come over into this
Province, and being settled in divers parts thereof, but especially in the city
of Philada., formed themselves into a Religious Society, commonly called by the
name of the German Reformed Church; for the good order and government whereof,
by the advice of their minister, one George Michael Weiss, alias Weitzius, they
appointed Church Wardens or Ancients: To which Trust your petitioners sometime
in January last were called.
That in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty the
Worthy Synods of South and North Holland together with the Assembly of Deacons
of the reformed church of the city of Amsterdam and the mayor and aldermen of
the ad. City and other well disposed persons in tender consideration of the
necessitious circumstances of the greatest part of the members of the ad.
German reformed Church at Philada., did by Voluntary Contributions collect the
sum of two thousand one hundred and ninety-seven guilders amounting to three
hundred and two pounds sterling money of Great Britain, and the same sum did
deposit in the hands of ye sd. George Michael Weitz (who together with the Deft.
Jacob Reiff then [sent, rather] in Holland, [note the distortion]
had been making application in behalf of the sd. Religious society at Philad. for
the Charities of piously disposed persons there).
That the sd. George Michel Weitzius and the Deft. Reiff are
since returned into this province and the said Weitzius is removed to Albany in the Government
of New York: But before his Departure did render to these Complts. A Distinct
Account in Writing of the sums of money by him recd. so as afd., and did
declare that he had delivered to the sd. Deft. the afd., two thousand one
hundred and ninety-seven Guilders under special trust and Confidence that he
the ad. Deft. should pay the same to the Church Wardens or Ancients of the
Reformed Church at Philada. for the uses afd. [There is no record of Weiss keeping books whatever. This certainly sounds like an effort of the Philadelphia elders to expropriate the entire collection for themselves.]
Notwithstanding which the sd. Jacob Reiff tho’ often
requested by these Complts. refuses to render any account of the sd. money, or
from whom, or to what use he received the same, or to pay or give security for
the payment thereof to the Church Wardens or Ancients afd.
And these Complts. further say, that they are informed and
do verily believe that the ad. Jacob Reiff is about to depart this province and
to transport himself into parts beyond the seas where the process of this
Honorable Court of Chancery cannot reach him, all which matters and things do
further appear by the affidavit hereunto annext. [This means to spur the injunction is not a real fear that they thought he would abscond, though it is odd that Weiss so soon did]
In tender consideration whereof; forasmuch as such
proceedings are directly contrary to Equity and Good Conscience, may it please
your Honour to grant unto your petitioners His Majesty’s most gracious Writt of
Ne Exeat provincia to the Sheriff of the County of Philada. directed Commanding
the ad. Sheriff that he cause the ad. Jacob Reiff to come before him and to
find sufficient security that he will not depart this province without special
license for the same or until he make answer to the Bill of Complaint of your petitioners
and further then do and receive what by this Honble. Court shall in that behalf
be awarded.
And your petitioners as in duty bound shall every pray,
&; c.
Nov. 23, 1732, Be it so
J. Growdon,
p. Cancell.
Conc. P. Querent
R. Charles, Regr.